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This Wacky World
Fruit stall owner Giuseppe Scirrocco, who stopped paying taxes two years ago
because he couldn't afford them, has been landed with a 12-billion lira
(app. US$7 million) tax bill by officials in Milan, Italy.

Teacher Jack Fesneau refused to speak to his wife Christina for more than
two years because of the way she said "I do" at their wedding. Christina,
from Quebec, Canada, has been granted a divorce.

Police have decided not to prosecute Rashon Jackson, 19, after he phoned the
emergency services to get directions to a bus station in New Jersey, US.

A Judge granted a divorce to Percy Quentin because his wife Thelma organized
a lottery - with herself as the prize. After selling 600 tickets at US$5
each in Los Angeles, US, the winner was a 73-year-old man.

Anton Wladich's snoring has become so loud since breaking his nose, that
most of his street's residents in Warsaw, Poland, have moved house to escape
the noise.

Furious girls in Lodz, Poland, are demanding a refund after paying US$800 to
join a dating agency which had 300 women - but just seven men.

An underwear factory in Volgrad, Russia, is preventing redundancies
(layoffs) by paying its staff with 36 pairs of free knickers a month.

Trucker Boris Kalusch drowned after trying to drink from the beer tanker he
was driving. Police in Siberia found his legs sticking from the inspection

Former prisoner James Knapp confessed to police that he'd robbed two stores
in Oklahoma, US, because he missed his old cell-mates. Police said they'd
see if James could be reunited with his old friends.

A zookeeper was pinned to the ground and had his trousers torn off - by a
lovesick lady orangutan! Ken Alrand had cared for Anna ever since she was
rejected by her natural mother in infancy. But he never realized that she
had developed a crush on him. As Alrand was cleaning Anna's enclosure in
Aalborg, Denmark, she pounced on him and ripped his pants off. "She's
obviously fallen in love with me," says Alrand. "So I'll keep my distance
from now on."

Six people taken to hospital from a reception in Moscow were injured by
flying champagne corks.

Scared Charles Hurden locked himself in his shed for three days after he
thought asteroids landed in his garden in Sydney, Australia. They were
luminous balloons from a party 16 km away.

Gunman Simon Kingstree failed to rob a bank in Carolina, US, because staff
kept laughing at his big ears - even when he threatened to shoot a cashier.

A man dubbed by police in Athens, Greece as The Cigarette Saboteur has taken
to attacking people he sees smoking and forcing them to eat their remaining
cigarettes. The oddball has claimed seven victims in six months.

A pervert who exposed himself on the Paris Metro [subway] in France fled in
horror when his victim - a transvestite - flashed back.

Marauding moose have torn up seven light aircraft in less than a week at
Anchorage Airport in Alaska.

A burglar charged with raiding vending machines paid his bail with US$300 in

A golf match in Los Angeles, US, was abandoned when a cow wandered onto the
fairway, deposited a cow-pat on the 17th green and then chased the players.

Raindancer Jose Carquirre has been charged with manslaughter after six
people died in a flood in Arcos, Brazil.
Submitted By: Anonymous...

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