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Desmond Llewelyn
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Dead Celebrity Jokes PLEASE LEAVE NOW.

St. Peter to Grim Reaper:

Do try to bring the "Q" back in one piece won't you?


…upon his meeting Q…

My name is Reaper...Grim Reaper


Saint Peter upon meeting Desmond in Heaven:

Hey, the Boss wants to know if you can fix something for him


Q's last words...

James don't touch that button!


I guess his ejector seat must have failed…

But he did die on Q.


I'm sure Desmond will be happy up in heaven…

The world was not enough for him.


Looks like he changed his initials from "Q" to "DOA"


A thought was it really an accident?

Where was Blofeld or Renard at the time?


Ben Stein upon hearing of Desmond's Passing…

Q? Q? Q? Q? Bueller?


There once was a driver called Q.
His driving skills went all askew.
He rammed up a rear,
He killed his career,
and killed our old friend Desmond too.


Last words…

"Damn, I knew I shouldn't have given Bond that Air Bag"


Songs Rewritten for Desmond Llewellen

Tracey Chapman: Don't Need A Fast Car
Thomas Dolby: Blindsided Me With Science
Stacy Q (Ironically) Two Of Cars
Elton John: Can you feel the car tonight?
Aerosmith: Q (looks like a car wreck)
B*Witched: On the road where Desmond now lays.
Celine Dion: My Gizmo Will Go On
Queen: Another Q bites the dust


Next Bond film…

Drivers License To Kill


Witnesses at the crash scene described the gory details…

Desmond's body was shaken, not stirred.


"And do be careful with this item double O seven, this triggers a powerful electromagnet in the bumper allowing you to easily catch up to any other vehicle you may be chasing. We haven't quite worked out all the bugs yet though."


Now that Q has departed, there are three new roles in the next Bond film...

R, I and P


After the Crash, the wreckage was salvaged.

They found some gadgets and a couple of Q balls.

Submitted By: Anonymous...

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