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Jill Dando
For those of you ignorant Americans (like me), Jill Dando was a popular correspondant who hosted a show called Crimewatch UK (kind of like America's Most Wanted). Jill was shot at her doorstep as she was leaving for work, most likely because of her crime-fighting reputation.

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Jill Dando jokes PLEASE LEAVE NOW.

How did Jill Dando feel at her job?

Under the gun.


I hear that Jill Dando was going to make a guest appearance on Just Shoot Me.


Songs Rewritten For Jill Dando:

Elton John: BBC In The Wind
Britney Spears: Hit Me Baby Five More Times
Or maybe Pat Benatar:Hit Me With Your Five Best Shots
Shirley Bassey: Miss Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Thump
Big Daddy Kane: Baby Got Holes In Back


What's red and gathers dust?

Jill's passport.


What's the differance between jill dando and a golf course?

It takes more than 1 shot to compeletley finish a round of golf!


What's a Jehovah's witness and Jill Dando's Killer have in common?

They both stand on your doorstep and do your head in.


What's the difference between Ruud Gullit's Wife and Jill Dando?

One sleeps with a Gullit in her Bed.


What does Jill Dando and George Best have in common?

They both ended their careers at Fulham.


What does a piece of cod and Jill Dando have in common?

They both get battered before lunchtime.


What TV program did Jill Dando not appear in?

Shooting Stars.


What's the difference between Danny Baker and Jill Dando?

Danny Baker survived the doorstep challenge.


Why is Crimewatch UK not being scrapped?

Because Nick Ross is terrified of getting the bullet.


Jill Dando had a new antique show for the BBC...

The shooting started this week.


Why did Nick Ross resign from BBC Crimewatch UK?

Because he needs the job like he needs a hole in the head.


What's the difference between a pint of beer and Jill Dando?

A pint of beer still looks good after you blow off its head.


What does the Kosovo Crisis & a 9mm bullet have in common?

Jill Dando can't stop either of them.


What was the last thing to go through Jill Dando's mind?

A 9mm hollow point bullet.


What does the new Hugh Grant film (Notting Hill) & Jill Dando have in common?

They were both shot near Chelsea


What's Jill Dando's favourite band and song?

BOOM Town Rats: Tell Me Why I Don't Like Mondays. (the day she was shot)
A Steps and Tragedy (She was shot on the steps of her house)


Jill was really talented...

Her impersonation of John Lennon was dead on!


What's the difference between Jill Dando and a black taxi?

A black taxi can take 5 in the back.


What's the emptiest room in Britain?

The one where they'll be holding the auditions for the new Crimewatch UK presenter.


There are no flies on Jill Dando...

Not yet!


Bit of an overkill isn't it?

In America, they just fire the host or cancel the show...


Phil Hartman upon meeting Jill Dando In Heaven:

Hey don't you just feel shot on a day like today?


What's the difference between a dildo and a dando?

You put one in a box, and the other...
ahhh, actually, they're the same.


Why can't Jill Dando hold her drink?

Because one shot goes straight to her head!


Recycled Joke Alert!!!

Jill Dando goes through the Pearly Gates and meets St Peter….

"Can I have a halo like the one Princess Di is wearing" says Jill.

"That's not a halo, that's a steering wheel!" replied St Peter.


What's Jill Dando's new show for the BBC?

Wish I was still here!


Some say that Jill Dando was a lesbian…

She was killed by someone she fingered on Crimewatch.


What's the difference between a Dando and a Dodo?

One's a dead bird that used to hang around tropical beaches ...
the other one's a Dodo


What does a Jehovah's witness and the bloke who killed Dando have in common?

They both stand on your doorstep and do your head in.


Did you hear a terrorist group has claimed responsibility for Jill Dando's murder?

It was Combat 18 - 30


How did Jill look best on tv?

In a tight shot.


Why can't you take Jill Dando for a drink?

One shot and she's on the floor.


What's got more brains than Jill Dando?

Her doorstep!


What's the difference between Jill Dando and Danny Baker?

Danny Baker survived the Doorstep challenge.


What does Jill and the Milkman have in common?

They both leave four pints on the doorstep!


Jill Dando is to star in a film next week…

No weddings and a funeral!


What does Jill Dando and Oliver Reed have in common?

They both had one shot too many


Recycled Joke Alert!!!

What colour were Jill Dando's eyes?

Blue. One blew to the left, the other blew to the right!


What's got four legs and is starving?

Jill Dando's cat.


What goes 'clink, clink, clink, BANG'

Jill Dando putting out her milk bottles.


Knock Knock

Whose There?

B A N G !


Jill gets engaged to a gynecologist...

Next thing she's f*cked!


How did Jill get into the ambulance?

With a vacuum cleaner!


What's the difference between Jill Dando and a Prostitute?

You can shoot in a prostitutes face as many times as you want.


Jill Dando and John Lennon were sitting in heaven when there is a knock at the door...

"You get that, " John tells Jill.
"F*ck right off! .... Ive been caught like that before." said Jill
"Oh go on ... "asks John so Jill gets up and answers it ...
a bloke asks for Lennons autograph "F*ck right off! .... Ive been caught like that before" said John


What has Diana and Jill got in common?

Death by drugs ofcourse... Diana died from smack and Jill died from shooting up!!


What's red and got more brains than Jill?

her front door!!

Submitted By: Anonymous...

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