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Worst rabbit joke ever
Once upon a time, long long ago, a little Bunny Rabbit was planting
lettuce seeds in his garden, he counted out 25 seeds and carefully
planted them so all the lettuces would grow in a little square.....

After a few months, the lettuces started to grow, and little bunny
Rabbit checked every day on their growth, then one night, while the
rabbit was sleeping, along came the Nasty little fox , and took away
two crinkly crunchily lettuces..

Well when the little Bunny Rabbit woke up in the morning and went to
check his lettuces, he found two missing !!, so he immediately built a
small fence around the remaining 23 crinkly crunchily lettuces,
thinking they were now safe.

then another night, while the rabbit was sleeping, along came the
Nasty little fox , climbed over the fence and took away 4 crinkly
crunchily lettuces..

Well when the little Bunny Rabbit woke up in the morning and went to
check his lettuces, he found there were now 6 missing !!, so he
immediately built an electrified fence around the remaining 19 crinkly
crunchily lettuces, thinking they were now safe once more.

then another night, while the rabbit was sleeping, along came the
Nasty little fox , climbed over the fence with his rubber gloves (to
aviod electric shock) and took away 5 crinkly crunchily lettuces....
Tee hee hee hee hee.

Well when the little Bunny Rabbit woke up in the morning and went to
check his lettuces, he found there were now 11 missing !!, so he
immediately built a 6 foot perimeter wall with barbed wire in addition
to an electrified fence around the remaining 14 crinkly crunchily
lettuces, thinking they were now safe once more.

then another night, while the rabbit was sleeping, along came the
Nasty little fox , equipped with ladders , bolt cutters and rubber
gloves climbed over the fence with his rubber gloves (to avoid
electric shock), used the bolt cutters on the barbed wire and took
away 6 crinkly crunchily lettuces....

Well when the little Bunny Rabbit woke up in the morning and went to
check his lettuces, he found there were now 8 missing !!, so he
immediately built a 6 foot moat, in addition to the 6 foot perimeter
wall with barbed wire and the electrified fence around the remaining 6
crinkly crunchily lettuces, thinking they were now safe once more.

then another night, while the rabbit was sleeping, along came the
Nasty little fox , in his Rubber Inflatable Avon boat, equipped with
ladders and rubber gloves climbed over the fence with his rubber
gloves (to avoid electric shock) and took away the remaining 6
crinkly crunchily lettuces....

Well when the little Bunny Rabbit woke up in the morning and went to
check his lettuces, he found they were all gone, "Oh dear dear me", he
said, somebody has taken away all my crinkly crunchily lettuces away,
and I don't even know who has stolen them ....

but ....... (here it comes)

We know who stole the lettuces don't we children !!!!
Submitted By: Anonymous...

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