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Texan-English Dictionary
Texan-English Dictionary

Yawl - the pronoun of the second person plural
Example: "Good to see yawl"
Ward - a unit of language consisting of one or more spoken sounds
Example: "Pardon me, could ah have a ward with yawl"
Lahr - a prevaricator; one who tells lies.
Example: "Are yew callin' me a lahr?"
Waht - the lightest of colours
Example: "Yew look waht as a sheet"
Riot - correct or proper
Example: "That's as riot as rain"
Often - so as to be no longer supported or attached
Example: "Now stan still so ah can shoot that apple often yore had"
Barley - only, just, no more that.
Example: "Ah can jes barley opne mah eyes"
Blond - without sight
Example: "Love is blond"
Main - of ugly disposition, nasty
Example: "That there is one main man"
Felons - a substance used to close the cavities in teeth
Example: "When ah open mah mouth real wad yawl can see mah two felons"
Rum - a portion of space within a building
Example: "Ah got to go to the restrum"
Cheer - in this place or spot
Example: "Yawl come riot cheer this minute"
Lard - the deity
Example: "Lard only knows what happened"
Beggar - larger as in size, height, width, amount etc.
Example: "The beggar they come the harder they fall"
Thang - a material object without life or conciousness
Example: "That don't main a thang"
Prior - a devout petition to an object of worship.
Example: "Don't never say a prior with your hat on"
Suede - dear, beloved, precious.
Example: "Ain't that jes too suede for wards?"
Prod - a high opinion of one's own dignity, importance etc.
Example: "Ah take prod in mah work"
Far - to discharge a firearm
Example: "Stop or ah'm gonna far"
Tarred - exhausted.
Example: "Boy, am ah tarred!"
They - the objective and dative case of thou
Example: "Mah country tis of they, suede land of liberty of they ah sang.."
Owe - an overwelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear etc.
Example: "That there is one ah stand in owe of"
Sighting - arousing or stirring up emotions.
Example: "That was one beg, sighting card game"
Heidi - an expression of greeting.
Example: "Heidi, neighbor"
Sect - afficted with ill health or disease.
Example: "Ah feel sect to mah stomach"
Smahl - to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure.
Example: "Smahl and the whole world smahls with yew"
Consarned - interested or participating.
Example: "Yawl ain't consarned in this no way"
Drank - any liquid taken into the mouth and swallowed.
Example: "How 'bout a lil drank?"
Ails - other than the person or things implied.
Example: "Ah only done what anybody ails would do"
Fair - a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil etc.
Example: "The only thang we have to fair is fair itsef"
Tom - any specific point in a day, a month, a year.
Example: "How come yawl ain't never on tom?"
Truss - reliance on integrity.
Example: "Don't yawl truss me?"
Mere - a reflecting surface.
Example: "Ah jes hate to look at mahsef in the mere"
Markin - a citizen of the United States.
Example: "Ah am a Markin"
Thank – to have a judgment or opinion of.
Example: "Ah hope yawl enjoyed raidin' this page. But jes thank of what yew sound lak to a Texan!"
Submitted By: Anonymous...

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