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A drunk and his frog
A drunk walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "Hey, if I show you a trick will you give me a free drink?"

The bartender says, " I don't know. Show me the trick first and we'll see."

The drunk pulls a frog out of his pocket and sets him down at the piano where the frog proceeds to play the best jazz the bartender's ever heard. Amazed, the bartender gives the drunk his free drink.

Then the drunk says, "Hey bartender, if I show you another trick can I get another free drink?"

The bartender says, "If it's anything like the trick you just showed me you can drink the rest of the night for free."

So the drunk pulls a rat from his other pocket, puts it on the top of the piano, and the rat starts singing scat along with the frog's jazz riffs. The bartender starts pouring drinks for the drunk as fast as he can drink them.

A few hours later, an agent walks into the bar and sees the frog and the rat going at it on the piano. He says to the bartender, "Why, that's the greatest act I've ever seen! Who owns that act?"

The bartender points to the drunk, who's passed out on the floor and says, "That drunk owns them."

The agent wakes the drunk up and says, "That's the greatest act I've ever seen in my life. I'll give you a hundred thousand dollars for that act."

The drunk says, "They're not for sale."

The agent say, "Okay then, I'll give you fifty thousand just for the scat singing rat."

The drunk says, "Okay, it's a deal," and the agent gives him the fifty thousand and leaves with the rat.

The bartender yells at the drunk, " I Can't believe you just did that! You had a million dollar act there, and you just broke it up for a measly fifty grand!"

"Relax," the drunk say. "The frog's a ventriloquist"

Submitted By: Anonymous...

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