Three hen pecked husbands are sitting in a bar complaining about their nagging wives when the barmaid bets all three of them £100 that they can't do exactly what their wives tell them to do over the next week.
One week later the first bloke walks in soaking wet. The barmaid asks him why he's so wet. He explains, "Well I was having a shower and the missus noticed that I had left a drip of water in the bath room and said to me why don't you just flood the place. So I did."
The second man walks in covered in soot and smelling of burning. The barmaid said what happened to you. "Well I was having a cigar before I came out and knocked some ash on the floor and the wife said why don't you just burn the house down. So I did."
The third bloke walks in covered from head to toe in blood. All three look at him and ask what's up. He replies, "Well I was on my way out when the other half was standing up a ladder changing a light bulb but she was wearing this tiny little skirt. Anyway I coudln't help my self so I put my hand up her skirt and she said CUT IT OUT....".