this guy is taking a report on how far frogs can jump. so he takes a frog and sets it down and says"JUMP FROG JUMP!!! the frog jumps 5 feet. he then rips off one of its legs and tells it again "JUMP FROG JUMP!!!! so the frog with three legs jumps. he says oh good it can jump about 4 feet with three legs. so he rights it down he writes 3 legged frog jumps 4 feet. he rips off another one of its legs and says "JUMP FROG JUMP!!! and with two legs it jumps about 2feet so he rights down 2 footed frog jumps 2 feet. he then rips off another leg and says"JUMP FROG JUMP!!!! and with one leg it pulls it off and jumps 4 inches. so he writes it down one legged frog jumps 4 inches. then he rips of its last leg and says JUMP FROG JUMP!!! it just sits there so he says again JUMPFROG JUMP!!!!!and it dosn't move again so he writes down no legged frog .....deaf