JW: We dont believe in Hell. Me:Keep messin with me,and I'll send u there!
JW:We dont believe in blood transfusions! Me: Who the hell would want your blood??"
JW;We dont say the pledge of allegiance!Me: Why,cant u remember the words!
JW:Would u like to read our Watchtower magazine?Me:I'd like to lock u up in a watchtower!!
JW: We dont take collections at our services!
Me; You'd probably go out and buy some crack!
JW: We are the chosen 144,000 in the bible!
Me: Chosen to do what,go around and disturb people?
Jw:Would u like to read our Awake magazine?
Me; Wish u would wake up and leave me alone!
JW: would u like to campaighn for the jehovah's witness?
Me: I wouldn't campaign for Vanessa delRio!!
JW; We dont celebrate Xmas,you know.
Me; Probably too cheap to buy the gifts!!